Jane Smeets

Nature, connection and compassion thread through Jane Smeets’ artwork. Living on the Fleurieu Peninsula has directed her attention to nature’s life cycles, supporting creative expression and appreciation for the region’s natural beauty. Working as an arts psychotherapist in palliative services has significantly influenced her art practice. Engaging with people facing end of life has raised awareness of caring for life and the natural world. Humans and nature are not separate, and holistic care as a living system depends on the health of its organs and tissues – its land, seas, rivers, plants and creatures.

Smeets’ large-scale mixed media paintings visually draw the viewer closer with intent of connecting and deepening the understanding that humans are part of a bigger picture.  Smeets feels when we open to connections, respect, compassion and love for the natural world, we develop and embody these important qualities for a meaningful life.

Artworx Gallery